Use of BactaServe bioculture in Malaysia based Adhesive Manufacturing unit
1. Background :
This industry produces chemicals and adhesives. One of the biggest producers from Malaysia in this sector. Numerous chemicals that contribute to the high COD and BOD values in the influent and are challenging to degrade are employed during the production of adhesives. Adhesives are substances that increase the surface adhesion of bonded items.
Unfortunately, they also emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which negatively impact upon human and animal health. VOCs have carcinogenic and mutagenic properties and can cause migraines, irritation to the eyes, nasal passages, mouth, lungs and respiratory problems.
Plant Specifications :
168 m³ of influent coming from the production plant has been treated in the ETP per day. The process scheme used for the treatment of such high COD and BOD is a two-stage Anaerobic treatment followed by a two-stage Aerobic treatment. Below are the capacities of the unit operations and processes used in this ETP.
2. Challenges :
Many chemicals that contribute to the high COD BOD values in the influent and are challenging to degrade during the production of adhesives. Wastewater from adhesive production is characterized by high levels of pollutants and contains high concentrations of compounds including formaldehyde that are toxic. Before adding bioculture, the reduction in COD BOD was very low even after 2-stage anaerobic and 2- stage aerobic treatment with very high retention times. The build-up of MLVSS in the aeration tank was very low. The client wanted higher percentage reduction of COD & BOD.
3. Special Technical Solution :
Based on the characteristics of the input and the contaminants that contribute to COD and BOD values, we advised employing "BactaServe-Aerobic & BactaServe-Anaerobic" to lower these values. In light of the burden, we advised them to take a higher concentration of bacterial Bioculture during the first two months of use. Following that, the bacterial Bioculture concentration was lowered as a maintenance dose for trouble-free and efficient operations, which eventually enhances the reduction in COD and BOD with a minimal amount of bacterial Bioculture being employed. When the system is stable, the same reduction in COD and 800 can be seen with less bacterial Bioculture being employed.